Still No Movement on City Manager in Bessemer

Part of Monday night’s meeting of the Bessemer City Council was exactly the same as the previous meeting…no decision on a new City Manager. TheDailyGlobe reports Councilman Mark Movrich was absent from the meeting and Mayor Tacconelli motioned to table the vote until a full council was present. Various council members expressed concern regarding the importance of moving forward, and the Mayor responded by saying the decision was sufficiently important that the entire council should be present and made a motion to once again delay. Councilman Adam Zak said he’d second the motion, but also suggested that if at the next meeting a full council was not available to vote, then a special meeting should be scheduled to address the matter. The Mayor agreed. There were 48 applications and four people interviewed. Two of the four withdrew their applications. That leaves a resident from downstate and interim City Manager Mandy Lake as candidates.