Water Main Break Shuts Down Several Blocks Late Last Week

The City of Ashland experienced a water main break this past Thursday afternoon, which took the better part of the day and into the early morning hours of Valentine’s Day to repair. TheDailyPress reports aging infrastructure and the cold weather are thought to have been the cause of a 4-inch pipe leading to a fire hydrant to crack. The watermain in that area dates back to the late 1800’s and the pipe to the hydrant to the early 20’s. Both are scheduled for repair sometime this year. Ellis Aveneue between Sixth and Eleventh Avenues was closed off to allow the city crew to work quickly and safely. Water service was restored to the area around 2 am on the 14th, with the site being wrapped up by around 5 am. The break was not the first in Ashland this year and if cold weather continues, Wastewater Operations Manager Brian Ledin says there could be more.