Team of Middle-Aged Swimmers from Wisconsin Achieve Major Accomplishment

Their goal was just to finish…the undertaking of swimming the English Channel has foiled the strongest swimmers and has tested everyone with the audacity to think they could do it…but four ‘mermaids’ from Wisconsin did it. TheDailyPress reports the WisconSwim Mermaids, Pamela Toshner and Michelle DeYoung of Barnes, Lisa Weispfenning of Washburn, and Jennifer Titus of Hayward set out from Dover at 8 am on the 17th of August, cranked up their music and started swimming relay style an hour at a time until they finished the 18.2 nautical mile trip an hour and a half faster than the average time. The jellyfish they were warned about didn’t show up until the third leg of the swim, and Jennifer Titus spent the better part of her swim avoiding them. Eight other boats with groups of swimmers all went out along with the Mermaids but the middle-aged ladies from Wisconsin finished ahead of all of them.

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